Today we visited on the Hortobágy. This day was amazing, because we observed a flock of Dotterel. 
This Puszta is a tradicional roost place of this species: they came from the Northern Europe, roost here untill end of October and will go on later to the North Africa. The Staff of the Hortobágy National Park heeds this birds and this Puszta every year, that we can observe this species in the future as well on the Hungarian Pusztas.

This Puszta is a tradicional roost place of this species: they came from the Northern Europe, roost here untill end of October and will go on later to the North Africa. The Staff of the Hortobágy National Park heeds this birds and this Puszta every year, that we can observe this species in the future as well on the Hungarian Pusztas.