Today Zoltán and Me had a good plan- We went birdwatching to Kórézug. This area is the part of the Nagy-Sárrét. Zoltán told me: -This puszta was a typical overgrazed habitat about ten years ago. But this puszta's face was changed. Weeds and reeds grow everywhere, where sheeps and the famous Hungarian Grey Cattle lived years ago. Kórézug's best species today: a Merlin, a Great Grey Shrike and 2 Rhough-legged Buzzards.
We stopped in Ecsegfalva as well and one minute later I noticed two Common Redpolls and seven Crossbills. Later we drove to Rehely, where the Centre of the Great Bustard reservation is. When we arrived to Réhely Zoltán found a White-tailed Eagle, and we observed about 50 Great Bustards as well.
This photo about the Hungarian Grey Cattle was taken by Zoltán in Réhely.
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